Allan Greer

AGAllan Greer é desde 2009 Professor e Canada Research Chair in Colonial North America na McGill University (Montreal, Canada), tendo ensinado anteriomente nas universidades de Toronto (1983-1989, 1991-2009), British Columbia (1989‑1991) e Maine (1980‑1983).

Os seus interesses de ensino e investigação incluem a história do Canadá no período colonial, com destaque para a história da propriedade e dos direitos indígenas no contexto da colonização da América e do mundo atlântico. Presentemente, tem-se debruçado sobre questões relacionadas com terra e propriedade na colonização da América do Norte entre os séculos XVI e XVIII. Neste momento, prepara um estudo comparado sobre os regimes de propriedade da terra e da resistência oposta pelos indígenas à colonização europeia na Nova Espanha, Nova França e Nova Inglaterra.

Entre as suas publicações, pode destacar-se: “Commons and Enclosure in the Colonization of North America”, American Historical Review 117 (April 2012): 365-86; La Nouvelle-France et le Monde (2009); Mohawk Saint: Catherine Tekakwitha and the Jesuits (2005); The People of New France (1997); The Patriots and the People (1993); Peasant, Lord and Merchant (1985) – livros que receberam vários prémios e distinções.


Allan Greer is Professor of History and Canada Research Chair in Colonial North America at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), having held previous positions at the universities of Toronto (1983-1989, 1991-2009), British Columbia (1989‑1991) and Maine (1980‑1983).

His teaching and research interests include the history of early Canada and colonial North America, in the context of the Early Modern Atlantic World.  His current research focuses on issues surrounding land and property in the colonization of North America from the 16th century to the 18th.  He is preparing a book that examines the encounter of native and European tenures and the emergence of settler tenures in New Spain, New France and New England.

Among his publications are: “Commons and Enclosure in the Colonization of North America”, American Historical Review 117 (April 2012): 365-86; La Nouvelle-France et le Monde (2009); Mohawk Saint: Catherine Tekakwitha and the Jesuits (2005); The People of New France (1997); The Patriots and the People (1993); Peasant, Lord and Merchant (1985) – books that have won a number of prizes.